Hi, I’m Deseree Maes.

In 2003 I received a Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology in New York. I later studied with the Beck Institute to receive a certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

I’ve also studied Polyvagal Theory (how our nervous system affects our overall health) and I am a Safe & Sound provider (music therapy that helps with the nervous system). Every year I take additional training to stay current.

For a few years, I actually didn’t practice as a therapist. After I learned the truth, I had a hard time finding a position where I could provide therapy without conflict with my conscience.

Now that I focus entirely on my brothers and sisters, I don’t have to worry about issues coming up where I would be expected to support habits or thinking that goes against my conscience. That has been a massive relief!

I’m really thrilled to be offering practical help to the people that I care about most – my brothers and sisters. CBT, at its core, is really in line with how we as Jehovah’s Witnesses understand how our thinking affects us. I’ve seen it consistently have an enormous impact in helping people overcome their challenges, and I’m excited to be able to share this.


Hi, I’m Tony Ayala.

I’m a certified Mental Health Coach with Mended Mind, specializing in CBT and polyvagal informed techniques. My wife and I live in sunny Florida.

I have some among my family who have various mental health conditions. For this reason I feel a strong connection to this work, and this motivates me to keep growing in my knowledge and skills as a coach.

Having benefited from many of these methods myself, I am very happy to help my brothers and sisters also experience relief through improved mental health and emotional wellbeing.


Hi, I’m Rochelle McCleign.

I’m a certified Mental Health Coach with Mended Mind, specializing in CBT and polyvagal informed techniques.

My family and I live in California. I have worked in the mental health field for over 5 years.

As the weight of this system continues to increase I have been searching for ways to strengthen myself and my family. Since our mental health and emotional wellbeing have such an impact on our daily lives, finding the right tools is essential to our endurance.

Having found Mended Mind and benefitted from the methods taught here, I am honored to now get to share them with you.


Hi, I’m Raquel Doldol.

I’m the administrative assistant for Mended Mind Coaching.

I am originally from the Philippines, but currently serving where the need is great in an Asian country. I’ve been in the sign language field since 2006.

Mental health is very important to me, so I’m happy to be able to assist my brothers and sisters on their own unique journeys.
