Somatic therapy is a body-centered approach to healing that focuses on the connection between the body and the mind. Combined with other therapies (such as CBT), Somatic therapy makes use of mind-body exercises and other techniques to release pent-up stress, tension and trauma that negatively affect our emotional and physical state.
This form of therapy works off the concept that what happens to us in life is stored, not only in the mind, but also the body. By including physical sensations with a discussion of your feelings, it is a comprehensive and holistic approach to healing.
Somatic therapy may include:
- Grounding techniques
- Developing awareness of your body and its sensations
- Physical movement
- Emotional release
- Mindfulness
Somatic therapy has been proven to be highly effective in treating several disorders and conditions, especially related to trauma, anxiety and depression.
Somatic therapy has proven to be an effective way to speed up the treatment and healing after a traumatic event.
In one study of tsunami-related trauma victims, “90% of participants reported significant improvement or being completely free of symptoms of intrusion, arousal, and avoidance. The results support the effectiveness and reliability of this modified version of Somatic Experiencing Therapy in working with trauma reactions.”
A common feeling that people suffering from depression experience is one of dissociation. They may feel numbness or pain, disconnected, overwhelmed, or otherwise “not like themselves”.
Somatic therapy helps by reconnecting the body to the mind. It may seem counterintuitive, but by directing awareness to how depression affects our bodies, we can work on undoing the effects that the depression has been causing on us physically.
A benefit to using somatic therapy is often an improved ability to assess our own emotional needs in real time. This can help those that have had that feeling of being disconnected to “come back” into their bodies again.